Forecasts - Solar Return 1 year + 12 months
12 month Calendar Horoscope André BARBAULT
What do the next 12 months hold for you ?
By analyzing the movement of the Sun and five planets in relation to the sky
of your birth, this calendar shows the trends and situations, whether favourable
or unfavourable, which you are liable to encounter during the next 6 or 12 months
in the following fields: family life, professional life, love, finances, or
An indispensable guide enabling you to make the most of those exceptionally
lucky periods when success seems guaranteed and to surmount without difficulty
those slack periods when abstention is the course of wisdom.
25 to 30 pages of a clear and concise booklet. Choice of month and year to start
Demonstration study
(pdf file)
Solar Return Jean-Pierre NICOLA
A 12 month calendar between 2 birthdays.
This forecast horoscope is extraordinary. It has no equal, and the reader will
be stupefied to find in it all of the problems affecting him/her.
Presented first, the general mood for the whole year. Then the predictions
for each of the following 6 domains.
- Professional life.
- Family life.
- Finances.
- Love.
- Leisure.
- Physical and psychological balance.
The Solar Return can be made anytime, with a birthday coming up soon or already
gone by. It's based on the comparison made between the map of the birthday chart
and the map of the birth chart, and according to a very complex methodology
established by Jean-Pierre NICOLA.
15 to 20 pages of a clear and precise booklet. Choice of month and year to start
Demonstration study (pdf file)