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Children - Special children's horoscope Jean-Pierre NICOLA avec Ordinastral

 How can you influence his/her underlying psyche ?
Children need very special attention : what is more difficult than to educate a child ?

Each child has his/her own personality and needs his/her own educational system. During their first years, children are very receptive to whatever they see and whatever they hear. It's up to the parents, to a certain extent, to develop their child's qualities and to restrain the negative tendencies, or even to turn them into advantages.

This booklet can be used by both parents and teacher. It includes:
- An outline of the child's character.
- An outline of the child's personality.
- The positive influences that should enable his/her personality traits to flourish.

7 to 10 pages of a clear and concise booklet.

Demonstration study(pdf file)

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