Astrology reference
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The Reference in Astrology: Imprimer la page

The idea of Astroflash dates back to 1966 when an important product manager Mr. Roger Berthier, co-founder of the Euromarche supermarket chain, had the idea to offer to its customers their horoscope. André Barbault, the most famous French astrologer, author of numerous works, like the celebrated Zodiac Collection (Seuil) was contacted. After 8 months of teamwork with computer analysts, a first astrological product, placing side by side a psychological portrait and a long term calendar was born.Because of its initial success, they decided to market and sell the horoscope by mail-order . An advertising campaign started in 1967 and perfected by Publicis lasted until April 1968. Although the topics developed in the ads were inspired by extensive psychological analysis, their effectiveness remained mediocre.They soon discovered, however, that a press meeting was a means to attract a large number of customers. This was in May of 1968 - in a car-shop on the Champs Elysées: the "computer - astrologer" attracted the masses. The possibility to immediately obtain a personalized horoscope anonymously, and for a moderate price, proved to be conclusive.

The Astroflash Center opened its doors in September of 1968, being the first client to rent a space in the Galerie des Champs, located at 84, Avenue des Champs Elysées, in Paris: a place visited daily by thousands of people. Now the number of daily Astroflash customers is around 100 to 200. So a total of 70,000 people per year, not including mail orders.

Women come in first at around 62%.- Young people are the most interested ?- One customer out of every two is under 30.?- High income customers are outnumbered.?- Foreigners: 15 to 20%.Every social strata show an interest in Astroflash.??Famous figures coming from the Political, the Entertainment as well as the Sports World have had their horoscopes done by Astroflash. General de Gaulle's horoscope remains famous...

Since 1968, Astroflash has been creating new products and perfecting them, investing constantly, as well as translating the products in many different languages (French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Greek, Lithuanian, Russian, and Danish).The range of horoscopes consist of essentially psychological portraits - with a special version for children. A search of affinities among partners (comparative birth charts) and long-term forecast horoscopes (6 month, solar returns).Astroflash also places a Map of the Heaven at astrologers, professionals or amateur's disposal.

Reasons for success are first the customer's satisfaction who comes from the quality of our studies: all without exception are conceptualized by two famous French astrologers: André Barbault and Jean-Pierre Nicola.Secondly, after having been stated, the elements taken into account are interpreted. The interpretation of the birth charts is made according to tradition - enriched by new elements of modern psychology.

The Origins of Astrology

The first documents ever written have astrological traits; engraved on bricks in cuneiform characters, they were discovered in Chaldee and seem to date back to 2000 (millenaires) before our era. The Chaldeens believed that the sky participated in the destiny of living beings. The clergy included a special category of priests, the "devins" who observed the movements of the stars and established a relationship between the good times and hard times of human life. (Astrology and astronomy were born together at the same time). They took turns day and night to the top of the watchtowers, the ziggiwats among which certain ones, like that of Babylon, was 90 meters tall. They were built with several decks, sometimes painted in the seven colors of the stars from the known solar system. The "devins," from whom the predictions were the privilege of the sovereigns, noticed that the sun and the moon, that is the gods, Samash and Sin, followed a similar path in the sky. So they brought their attention to the constellation that the gods traversed and, in order to identify that route, they determined the place amidst the constellations of the 36 stars where they were brightest. Then, they found the 12 constellations that the sun and the moon crossed regularly. Each had the manumission of a portion of the sky; It was the foreshadowing of that which later became the zodiac with its 12 signs. The constellations recurred progressively with names borrowed from mythology.

From Chaldee, astrology then went to Egypt, China, India and PreColumbian America. In Greece, the moon and the five planets acquired a number of meanings and influence. Each constellation governed a part of man's destiny: Nothing was neglected, neither intelligence nor personality, and especially not luck or lack thereof. The Greeks called it "Zodiac", the path that the stars followed, and the Chaledeen prists their predictions of sunrise, sunset and the color of the planets, they examined the positions of the stars when an individual was born. That was the day when they spoke of horoscopes ("Who watches the hour") Furthermore, the predictions were no longer only directed toward local rulers. Interest boomed in Rome where emperors and the big families had their titled astrologer. According to Suetonius, Augustus had silver coins engracved with the sign of Capriocorn, his sign. The Romans rebaptised the planets using the names that we currently use. Zeus became Jupiter; Aprodite, Venus: Aries, Mars, Kronos, Saturn,; Hermes, Mercury.

After the Roman world disappeared, astrology suffered from an almost total eclipse in Europe but it remained lifvely in the "Muslim World." It had a impressive comeback in the history of the western world beginning with the 16th century: The emperors, the kings and the princes each once again had their own personal astrologer. Among all those who figurent in the history of France, Catherine de Medici was undoubtedly the most attached to astrology. Her reign was marked by the presence of 3 astrologers by her side who provided her with their advice. Nostradumus is undoubtedly the most famous. He became famous after the publication of his predictions in which he predicted the death of Henri II.During the following reigns the titles of "Doctor-astrologer' appeared often in the lists of gratuities The birth of the future King Louis the XIVth, on September 5th, 1638 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye is described as follows by Voltaire; the astrologer Morin de Villefranch was confined to the queen's antechamber. At 11:11, he hastily went to draw up the king-to-be's birthchart. (We'll explain at length what a birth chart is).

Nevertheless it is under this king's reign that astrology once again eclipsed: when Colbert set up the Academy of Sciences in 1666, but somehow excluded astrologers, thus expressing the same vow as La Fontaine: "Charlatans, makers of horoscopes, leave the courts of the European Princes.

Astrology slowly lost its appeal with the upper classes, but the invention of the printer allowed it to reach the deep rural zones. It was in the form of almanchs in which you could find predictions on the weather but also advice on how to sow the earth or on health. A July 31st, 1682 decree forbade its distribution, in vain. During the age of Enlightenment, Copernicus' discoveries showed that, in contrast to the astrological theory, the earth was NOT at the center of the universe, was finally admitted. The astrologer Laplace then wrote about astrology that; "the widespread general knowledge of the world had forever been destroyed" Astrology had its comeback after the first World War. Since 1930 in popular newspapers astrology columns were first published. The first internationa; Congress of Astrology took place in 1931. During the Second World War, Hitler had his own personal astrologer. The same is true for the British staff who questioned Luis de Wohl. Since then, astology has not stopped evolving. especially now that software gives us the possibility to question the heavens.